Are your palms consistently chilly? A few explanations for why - soocer442
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Are your palms consistently chilly? A few explanations for why



It is entirely normal for your palms to experience occasional coldness. Cold hands are frequently a consequence of a temperature shift in one’s surroundings, regardless of whether they are exposed to the elements during the winter or confined to a cool, air-conditioned chamber during the summer.

Cold palms are typically not a cause for concern. Nevertheless, the presence of an underlying medical condition may be suggested by the persistent cold sensation in your palms.

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Are your palms consistently chilly? A few explanations for why

The vessels that supply blood to your hands and digits constrict when they are cold. “One would anticipate that your hands would feel cold if you are in cold, frigid temperatures or if you are handling cold items, such as foods from a kitchen freezer,” states Dr. Ernestine A. Wright, a primary care physician at Mercy Medical Center in Baltimore and an internal medicine physician.

Cold palms should not be cause for concern for the majority of individuals. Frequently, they are merely a transitory consequence of being in a cold environment. Nevertheless, there are a few indicators that may suggest that your chilly hands are the consequence of a more severe health condition.

According to Wright, you should consult with a physician if your hands remain cold despite being indoors and the remainder of your body being warm.

Furthermore, Dr. Hisham Awan, an orthopedic surgeon and director of the Hand and Upper Extremity Center at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, advises that it is imperative to consult a physician if your frigid hands are accompanied by any symptoms of pain or ulceration of the fingertips.

What is the reason for the constant coldness in my hands?

Medical conditions that may induce cold extremities, as per the Cleveland Clinic, include:

Raynaud’s syndrome
Thyroid dysfunction
Peripheral arterial disease (PAD)
Scleroderma Lupus

According to the American Society for Surgery of the Hand, Raynaud’s syndrome is one of the most prevalent causes of chilly hands. According to Awan, it is a condition that results in the spasm of the blood vessels that supply the extremities. Hands will become frigid as blood flow becomes more restricted.

According to Wright, Raynaud’s syndrome can be precipitated by cold temperatures, tension, and repetitive hand-intensive activities, such as typing on a computer or playing an instrument.

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Methods for warming up cold extremities

There are several general measures that you can implement to alleviate the symptoms of chronically chilly hands.

Initially, it is advisable to reduce your exposure to frigid temperatures. According to Wright, it is advisable to wear protective gloves or mittens when anticipating exposure to frigid temperatures, regardless of whether it involves bracing against the elements or purchasing cold foods at a supermarket.

Wright recommends immersing one’s palms in warm water for approximately five to fifteen minutes until the chilling sensation subsides.

It is crucial to recognize that the treatment will differ depending on the underlying cause of your symptoms. To ascertain the appropriate treatment for you, consult your primary care physician.

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