51-year-old football pundit Chris Sutton reveals the secret strategy that Celtic FC must implement to win their match against Rangers on Sunday. - soocer442
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51-year-old football pundit Chris Sutton reveals the secret strategy that Celtic FC must implement to win their match against Rangers on Sunday.



Celtic has experienced a remarkable week on numerous fronts, and it will only intensify on Sunday with the Scottish Premiership’s visit of Rangers.

In order to conclude the summer transfer window on a high note, the Bhoys made a plethora of late signings. Brendan Rodgers will now desire for his team to achieve new heights amid even more formidable obstacles.

The Champions League draw has resulted in an intriguing set of fixtures and the potential to qualify for the knockout stage for the first time in over a decade.

Initially, it is necessary to eliminate the city’s adversaries. Despite the current confidence that Celtic is experiencing, that will be a challenging task.

Celtic and Rangers are scheduled to engage in a combative first encounter.

Chris Sutton, a former Bhoys striker, anticipates that the tally will be relatively close. Nevertheless, he has cautioned Rangers that if they fail to address a single player, they may be faced with a lengthy afternoon.

51-year-old football pundit Chris Sutton reveals the secret strategy that Celtic FC must implement to win their match against Rangers on Sunday.

The pundit, in his newspaper column this weekend, stated [Daily Record]: “The unfortunate news for them is that Rodgers and Callum McGregor will not permit Celtic to fall into the illusion that it will be a mere stroll.” We have previously observed the duo in this situation, where the Rangers are significant underdogs, and they have demonstrated no mercy.

“How they contain Rodgers’s side will determine a great deal.” Connor Barron has demonstrated potential; however, Clement requires additional contributions from Mohamed Diamonde, as the derby games have thus far eluded him. Celtic will suffer a significant loss in the absence of Matt O’Riley, and Paulo Bernardo is the type of player who requires a series of games to become proficient.

“As is customary, Callum McGregor will be the determining factor.” Rangers will be in significant difficulty if he is permitted to touch the ball. I do not perceive a cricket score, despite the fact that a significant number of enthusiasts are predicting it.

“The games that were played last year were all decided by a single goal, and it is possible that this will be the case once more.” While Celtic’s excellence would appear to be the deciding factor, particularly in midfield, it is important to remember that nothing is guaranteed.

Rangers’ record against Callum McGregor Sutton is correct in identifying McGregor as a critical player. Throughout his career, he has consistently demonstrated his exceptional performance in this rivalry and, more than any other player in either team, possesses the ability to complete the task.

He has represented the Ibrox team on 39 occasions and has won twice as many games as he has lost. He has a total of 22 victories, 11 losses, and six draws.

He is in charge of the show once he has a firm grasp on the derby. He is skilled in a variety of skills, including the ability to drop into space, support teammates with rushes beyond the defensive line, and generally put on an all-action display.

On Sunday, history indicates that he will have a significant impact once more. If the visitors fail to devise a strategy to impede him, he will ultimately emerge victorious.



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